This is a artiodactyl fighting game. it's command once a year in Cholistan. Many of us prepare their camels and so came into the bottom. there's a giant assemble within the ground. everybody participate to visualize the fighting of camels. This is often the tradition. Once a artiodactyl of an individual won then he's making ready with a significant fits. you'll be atle to watch during this video that what percentage peoples area unit there. This is often Best game for Cholistani peoples. They need a deeply interest during this game. owner of camels cradle best varieties of camels even they purchase camels from dubai. Several time throughout a fighting camels died attributable to continue fighting. The worth of 1 camels is sort of a hundred thousand during this manner some get profit and a few get serious loss.

This is often the good supply of enjoyment for urban peoples Now rural peoples are are also participating during this game. Currently this competition is increasing and be widespread within the world conjointly. Some peoples have an interest within the fighting of different animals and birds. some have an interest in artificial games like Cricket, Hockey, Soccer and different however currently largely individuals are reaching to have interest in bull fighting or Animals fighting and in different natural human  making game.s


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