This is a full motion picture with all parts. "Khatta Meetha" full motion picture of Akshay kumar. This is an entertaining motion picture. Toward the end there is a scene of battling other savvy entire film is full with stimulation. In this film the part of Akshay kumar is a road manufacturers. he makes trade off with government and chip away at the road extended by his group. Sooner or later his own particular relative fall him into inconvenience. Since in his family no any one like him. All believe that he is duffer and can't do anything. Indeed, even their are numerous other clever performing artists like Johnny lever. Each scene of this film is full with chuckling.
This is a super hit film. he likewise got an honor amid the discharging date. numerous recompense was given to this funny picture. It is a Good employment motion picture. By its gaining this motion picture make a record just in one frail. Akshay Kumar full attempt to make this funny picture with full satisfaction. This motion movie was likewise discharge in numerous different nations of the world.
Click Here For Watching Second Part of This Movie
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